Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Summer Reading....

Today I decided to ride my bike to the Eastham Library to augment my vacation reading list. I happened to be wearing a skirt at the time of this decision (surprise, surprise) and decided not to bother changing. I've riden in a skirt before, last time when our car broke down on Saturday (see Aaron's or Cara's post), so I figured I'd be fine. Wrong...this skirt got stuck in my chain three plus times, finally jamming it somehow when I was about halfway there. This obviously wasn't working, so I turned around and started walking the bike back, calling my dad on a handy dandy cell phone and feeling stupid. Daddy rode out to save me, but by the time he got there I was all unjammed. All the same, I rode home with him and changed before setting off again. I think I want to get one of those old fashioned bikes with wheel covers to prevent such misfortunes.

My perseverance in getting to the library paid off. I got a bunch of good books that the Bedford Library lacks to add to my queue. So, these are on my list right now:

84, Charing Cross Road. Thanks, Lindsay, for letting me borrow it again. I will buy it someday. :-) To everyone who hasn't read this, that is your pleasant assignment for the summer.

A knitting handbook with a stupid name but the best instructions and ideas ever. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how inspired I'd be while on vacation and only have some stupid pink acrylic yarn and size ten needles.

A Man of Property from the Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy. Sort of a nineteenth century soap opera, rather depressing.

Various Brother Cadfaels.

A P.G.Wodehouse.

The New Joy of Photography. I'm trying to learn how to use my dad's camera.

The Scent of Water by Elizabeth Goudge. Hoping I'll like it as well as some of her others.

and so forth.. The list keeps growing, so we'll see how far I get. The weeks before vacation were so busy that I was starved for nonschool reading. I'm indeed enjoying the time now.


ljm said...

I like the knitting handbook with the "stupid name"--in fact, I took it out of the library so much I finally bought it.(I think I know what you're referring to) I learned a lot from it--v. helpful. They must have some nice, if pricey, yarn around there...Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bria,

The Forsythe Saga was on in a mini series here at one point. Yes, it was very soap opera-ish and depressing...
I hope you have fun in the sun and with your
summer reads....


Mrs. RF said...

I am enjoying hearing about things you are all doing on vacation! So glad you are having a good time!

Booker said...

Book Comment-Scent of Water was rather engaging I thot. I liked it more than the historical fiction she wrote about some English\scottish whatever king to be and his mother. I found SoW to be a rather slow break in the action packed scifi type book I usually read. Kind of like hanging out in an eddy at the side of a stream...

Anonymous said...


The Scent of Water is excellent, I think. Enjoy! And yes, this is ME, back online! WOWW! Just in time to enjoy your truly exquisite photo. Clever Bria. :o)

PS, I ought to define "me," I suppose. It's "me, as in Lisa. Aged twentysomething, location MiddleEast, emotional status: happy and very tired!