Thursday, May 19, 2005

Conspiracy Theory du Jour

I'm a big fan of conspiracy theories. (Some conspiracy theories anyway.) I don't really believe any, but there's a gullible part of me that can only be satisfied by believing in something that's probably fictional....but just might might be true. (I believed that "Out of the Silent Planet" was a true story.) Maybe all my willful credulity is due to the fact that I never believed in Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy or fairies at all for that matter....Anyway...most conspiracy theories just make me laugh and thereby provide me with enjoyment.

This theory,however, I've always wanted to believe.


Booker said...

And according to the "Star", 200lb babies are born every other week.

I don't believe in conspiracy theories simply because I don't believe humans are that capable. If they were, we would be to the stars, and possibly beyond!

brilynne said...

I have this problem...when I become interested in a subj., I study it to death. A couple hundred pages, a dozen websites into the Anastasia thing, and I am so SICK TO DEATH OF HER! I got extremely fed up with Anna Anderson, and now I hope she wasn't the duchess...although I still hope that she did survive as someone else. :)

KW said...

Bria--great picture:))

love, Karena

Booker said...

Ok, that pix is just disturbin, period. I have to admit, I would prefer "mystery" over that :)