Monday, February 28, 2005

Joys of Adventuring

Hard to believe that two weeks is just about up. I only have one more day here.

Lexie and I went to her play group again today. I talked for quite awhile with one of the girls who was running it, a most interesting person. Asked me some interesting questions about homeschooling and informed me that she's apprenticing to be an Anglican priest.

Part of today's plan was that I would go to a lunchtime viola recital at Clare College where Charlie teaches and afterward do some shopping and site-seeing. Promptly at quarter of one, I set off with map (drawn by Karena), money, and camera. I tripped lightly down the road, feeling like a native cuz I knew how to get to teh college, found the college, was impressed by its beauty, and asked the porter wehre the chapel was. There I waited with some other music hungry souls for the violist. He didn't come...someone came and told us he'd canceled. Sad.

However, the extra time was a great advantage. It's an awesome feeling to know where one is, roughly have an idea of where one wants to go, have an even rougher idea of how to get there, and have plenty of time to get there and back. Oh yes, and having a warm house to return to when the exploring is done doubles the awesomeness. And if one has a little money to spend, has a very faint chance of getting lost (just enought for adventure), and speaks the same language as the natives in case of getting lost, one has a perfect afternoon. Add to this a camera with plenty of film, and absolutely amazing architecture (appreciate the alliteration?) to shoot, and one cannot ask for more.

Enough of hypotheticals. I had an incredible afternoon. Went to the outdoor market and bought souvenirs, b-day presents.
Explored Clare, St. John's colleges. Struck on blindly past them, turned down a few promising streets, explored Jesus College, found a pedestrian street that looked promising and returned to my known territory. Along the way shot several rolls of film.

I cannot believe how beautiful some of the buildings here are. some of them I had seen pictures of, but their grandeur can only be appreciated by standing next to them. They are all incredibly tall, and although massive, don't seem ponderous. I can only pray that my pictures turn out well.

All the walking made me sleepy, so good night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, this must be a great experience for you! all of those famous buildings! i would love to go someday, but with someone from my family...i would be too homesick!
love melody