Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I have a new addiction to add to my list! (I accumulate these addictions semi-regularly. I am currently addicted to reading blogs and trimming split ends. I have in the past been addicted to Scrabble, minesweeper, and nyet.) This new and exciting addiction is to sudoku. No, it's not anime or anything of the sort. It's a crossword puzzle of sorts, only with numbers, very easy to learn, and very hard to get away from...Try it, one puzzle only takes ten minutes or so...


Anonymous said...

I was just recently introduced to sudoku and love it too.

By the way, I too am addicted to reading blogs, trimming split ends, and minesweeper. :)

Booker said...

Merry Christmas!!!!

ljm said...

Keith loves these things now, too. I haven't attempted them yet...anything with numbers scares me.

Isaac Demme said...

My father is hopelessley addicted to these as well.
Ethan and I think it is a lot like minesweeper.

Booker said...

Ughh. if it is like minesweeper, then I shall never get into them. That game makes me want to commit hari-kari, just to stop it :)