Sunday, August 14, 2005

A Case of Mistaken Identity

While swinging on the porch swing yesterday afternoon, I animatedly told Aaron a story of some sort. I forget now if it was some trivial anecdote or a fragment of a dream or what. Suffice it to say that I talked a good piece. :-)

Suddenly, an interruption floated around the corner of the house.

"What are you reading?" Cara called from the pool.

"Nothing," I replied. We all laughed.

Then I thought for awhile. Is it a compliment to have someone mistake my talking for reading? Do I talk in a dull monotone, or do I put my words together so well that it sounds like I'm reading them? Or is my reading voice stumbling and scattered, sounding like I am groping for words as I talk? Or maybe I was just going on and on and on........

Yet another topic for me to ponder.


Kristi said...

I would take it as a compliment.:-)
It means you put your words together in an orderly, interesting, and thoughtful way, unlike many teenagers today. Like, you know what I mean and stuff?

Booker said...

I would take it as a compliment! And same thots as Kristi...

TripleNine said...

Ditto to the first two. It shows that you know how to put your thoughts together without inserting fillers.

Kate said...

I don't know- maybe you should ask Cara why she thought you were reading. I think it could be a put-down or a compliment depending on who the person was. I mean, if you normally read in hitchy way, then what Cara said would be a diss. and etc. But it is interesting to think about. Hmmmm. I shall have to think some more.